Understanding Dementia

Understanding Dementia MOOC are currently accepting enrolments (until 31st July), for the next offering of the course, which opens on 10th July.

We would love your support in spreading the word! 

Over 140,000 people have already enrolled in Understanding Dementia MOOC since its inception. This represents 140,000 people, just like you, who have enhanced their understanding of dementia to improve the quality of life of people living with this condition.

We couldn’t have achieved this without the help of our growing global MOOC community and wish to thank everyone for their support in helping us spread the word.

If you are able to help us again, even in a small way, we will be able to reach even more people to improve dementia knowledge across the world.

Things you can do to help:

– If you know of someone else who might be interested, please encourage them to sign up at https://mooc.utas.edu.au/landing/pr8share

– Perhaps print this poster and display it in your workplace or on your local community noticeboard.

– Visit the Understanding Dementia Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/UnderstandingDementia/ and share our post to ‘enrol now’ with your networks.

Who will benefit from this course

General public, Carers, Care Managers, Doctors, Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Inclusion Teams, responsible Cafe owners to better understand patrons, Retail Managers, Supervisors and staff. And just about everything in between.

Free MOOC courses are also ideal to challenge the brain as studies show that challenging the brain helps to reduce symptoms.

We encourage everyone to take advantage of FREE MOOC courses to participate and help make our world better.

Even if you have undertaken the course in the past, this is a great opportunity to refresh your knowledge. If you are interested in undertaking the course again, click here to enrol today!

Thanks again for your support in learning & spreading dementia knowledge and understanding to the world.

proffessor james vickers

About the Author
Professor James Vickers holds the Chair of Pathology at the University of Tasmania. He is co-Director of the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Health. His research interests; Alzheimer’s disease, traumatic brain injury, structural brain plasticity, ageing-related changes in cognition and health services for dementia. Professor Vickers, together with Professor Andrew Robinson, established the Wicking Centre in 2008.

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