Corona virus is spreading faster then we can keep a lid on so it is up to everyone to do their part to help.
We’re an island with a relatively small population so we are lucky but, only if people come together and do their part.
Who is most at risk with covid-19 or corona virus?
In Australia, the people most at risk of getting the virus are those who have:
- Recently been in in a high-risk country or region (mainland China, Iran, Italy or Korea)
- Been in close contact with someone who has a confirmed case of corona virus
Based on what we know about coronaviruses, those most at risk of serious infection are:
- People with compromised immune systems (such as people who have cancer)
- elderly people
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (as they have higher rates of chronic illness)
- people with chronic medical conditions
- people in group residential settings
- people in detention facilities
To help protect people most at risk, the government have recommended limitations on public gatherings and visits to vulnerable groups.
Below are the two things you can do to help contain the corona virus;
- The Federal Government have created a website with the latest updates, and they can be read here. It also includes information about sanitizing if you are not sure.
- Anyone that wants to learn more, ideal for health professionals, support workers, aged care workers, fitness trainers, business owners,
The list is far too much to name but this quick 30-minute workshop will give you the tools to be confident in delivering a safe environment for your loved ones and people around you.
Register Here to complete the workshop and receive a certificate of competency.
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