10 Ways to Love Your Brain

Evidence keeps indicating that people can reduce their risk of cognitive decline by making minor lifestyle changes.

When you are in the mood, try to combine these habits to love your brain and body. Start now. It’s never too late or too early as the brain and body adapt easily to positive healthy habits to reduce dementia risk.


Engage in regular cardiovascular exercise that elevates your heart rate and increases blood flow to the brain and body. Several studies have found an association between physical activity to reduce dementia risk and a cognitive decline.

Ask you local fitness gym to give you an achievable work-out. Contribute to the economy and employ a fitness trainer as they know how to get you to your goals.


You can also reduce dementia risk by formal education at any stage in your life.

For example, take a class at a local college, community center as both of these two are good for social interaction or, go online and look for some free MOOC courses. MOOC means massive open online course.

There are hundreds of free courses available to learn something new or different at the very least.


This is a real ‘role the eyes for smokers’. Evidence shows that smoking increases risk of cognitive decline. Here’s a brain challenge already, QUIT and reduce the risk to levels comparable with non-smokers. okay, let’s move on.. .


Evidence shows that risk factors for cardiovascular disease and stroke have increased ten fold; obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes are the usual negative outcomes and can negatively impact your cognitive health.

Take care of your heart and your brain just should follow.


Take steps to prevent falls at any age, everyone is different at home, some are more tidier than others. If you’re a hoarder then do youself a favour and tidy your stock and create and inventory so you know where everthing is.


Eat a healthy and balanced diet that is lower in fat and higher in vegetables and fruit to help reduce the risk of cognitive decline. Although research on diet and cognitive function is limited, certain diets, including Mediterranean and Mediterranean-DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), may contribute to risk reduction.


Don’t ignore your sleep comfort, change your matress or improve your sleep with a matress topper, improve your pillow quality, buy a between the knee memory pillow.

All of these will help you get a better sleep. I personally watch comedies and fall asleep happy!


Some studies link a history of depression with increased risk of cognitive decline, so seek medical treatment if you have symptoms of depression, anxiety or other
mental health concerns. Also, try to manage stress by doing the next suggestion.


Staying socially engaged may support brain health. Pursue social activities that are meaningful to you. Find ways to be part of your local community.

If you love animals, consider volunteering at a local shelter. If you enjoy singing, join a local choir or help at an after-school program. Or, just share activities with friends and family or join a local domino or marghon club.


Challenge and activate your brain endorphins. Build a piece of furniture, okay, not that, take up knitting and create a masterpiece bed throw.

Complete a jigsaw puzzle. Do something artistic. Play games, such as bridge, that make you think strategically.

There is a really strategic and fun board called RISK and the love your brain Monopoly is always a good family and friends favourite.

Challenging your mind may have short and long-term benefits for your brain and by following just a few of these suggestion will certainly help you.

No single person is too old or young to educate themselves on how to reduce dementia risk by beginning a challenging read right now. CLick HERE to read on how to rduce dementia risk.

4G Alarms are emergency SOS alerts that connect you to your loved ones fast when yu are in need of help. Click HERE to read on how you, or a loved one can benefit from it.

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