
Original price was: $ 4,999.00.Current price is: $ 3,999.00.

EagleHD® Wheelchair – 3rd Gen 2025 Model

  • Improved Cushion
  • Improved Brushless Joystick
  • Rear nik-nak Pouch
  • Foldable Joystick for chair storage
  • Batteries removal at seat Height
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is available on purchases between $10 and $2,000 learn more


Eagle HD (2nd Gen)  Lightweight Powered Wheelchair.  2024 Upgrades

Ideal for someone looking for an extremely lightweight wheelchair at an affordable price with some extra improvements.

This folding lightweight eagle wheelchair is versatile enough to get around the house easily as it spins on its own circle.

The seat on the new Eagle wheelchair is improved with a asymmetrical cushion, which means, the cushion encourages the user to sit better and therefore helps to keep the spine straight. 

The cushion promotes good posture and ideal for active users.

This powered wheelchair seat is balanced to maximise centre of gravity so it won’t tilt and easily travels up a 12° hill with ease, even on wet grass and won’t roll back.

The 12″ rear wheels has great traction on various terrains and grips on wet grass, wet grass hills, gravel and cobbled paves.

Call 1300 884 975 for more information on the Eagle HD wheelchair.

Watch the EagleHD® perform from a customer perspective.

Thanks for your confidence and trust in abbicare Greg!

Eagle Wheelchair Warranty

24 months on Frame and electronics
18 months on Battery

The Eagle hd lightweight Powered wheelchair is one of the lightest and best folding power wheelchairs in Australia

It is designed around the extremely successful EagleHD folding powered wheelchair and can also be easily navigated using an intelligent 360° brushless joystick controller

The joystick can be fitted left or right on the armrest and has been improved for transporting; You can now fold the joystick neatly to protect it from possible damage.

Improvements to the Eagle Wheelchair

  • Swivel type joystick mount- Joystick tucks neatly into the chair side to prevent joystick damage when transporting. No comparable portable motorised wheelchair has this.
  • Asymmetric cushion to improve long term sitting posture. Unique as standard.
  • Perforated front tyre to improve driving comfort and suspension against bumpy surfaces. No comparable portable motorised wheelchair has this.
  • USB Charger standard for cellphone and electronics charging.


This lightweight wheelchair is driven by two 250w brushless motors and can tackle rough pavements, wet grass, uneven surfaces and even weathered building sand.

The flip up armrests enables you to side mount or dismount which is great for transferring to your couch. The footrest flips up flush to the seat cushion which also allows front mounting or dismounting.

Easy to navigate around your home, in boutique retail shops so it is also ideal for shopping as isles are getting smaller nowadays..

It is a heavy duty motorised wheelchair and can be folded in less than 2 seconds and opens in 1 second, enabling it to be quickly transported with ease.


It is fitted with two Li-ion batteries that will take you up to 25kms and is also certified for air flight use making this affordable lightweight wheelchair the perfect for air journies.

The batteries are situated in the same way of the Eagle HD wheelchair, at the front and seat height so they are also easily removed and removes the need to get on your knees.

Batteries are good 1000 cycles charging ability, which means, if charged three times a week, you should get around four/five years from your battery make it economical to run.

Note; Li-ion batteries should never be drained to empty, always top-up before the red bars.

Improved Suspension

The front castor tyre has been modified with perforated tyres to add as an independant suspension against front jerks and when mounting curbs, maximise driving comfort.

Powered Wheelchair Comfort Freebies with your purchase

The EagleHD® is a global brand and is sold in the USA and Europe. The brand success is built on the high quality engineering and components inside.

The components inside is what people do not see. We have personally ensured that the Qualily Assurance is upheld and high quality output.

The EagleHD® first came into Australia in 2016 and since then we have supplied this mobility wheel chair all around Australia, the UAE and Europe.


  • High quality components
  • Very robust heavy duty foldable power wheelchair (see video above from a customer)
  • Airplane Compliant
  • Brushless motor & Joystick
  • Front suspension
  • Rear suspension
  • High quality Oxford antibacterial washable cloth
  • Asymmetrical cushion to promote better posture
  • Lightweight
  • Foldable for boot
  • LongWarranty
  • Global Brand
Did you know?

Many benefits have been attributed to a foldable lightweight powered wheelchair or power wheelchair.

They aid in increased social participation and quality of life, can have a placebo affect, which menas, decreased pain and discomfort.

Users say that a the power wheelchair facilitates a variety of activities including shopping, medical appointments, visiting family and friends, and attending community events.

You can read more about this study here.