Caring for someone with a disability can be tiring both physically and emotionally.

The support of family, friends and community services is important but with work pressures, this can also be something that is quite difficult to achieve.

Various disability aged care services that provide support for the older person with a disability include:

  • Home maintenance and modifications including repairs, garden maintenance and installation of handrails and ramps
  • Goods and equipment such as a walking frame or raised toilet seat
  • Allied health including occupational therapy, dietitian services and physiotherapy
  • Respite care, which lets you take a break while the person you care for is looked after at home, in a community centre or in an aged care home
  • Independent Living Centres, which have products and equipment to help manage disabilities in daily life.

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

The NDIS supports choice for eligible people with disability, their families and carers. People who start the NDIS before age 65 may choose to keep receiving services under the scheme as they age. For more information, visit the NDIS website or phone 1800 800 110.

Continuity of Support Programme (COS)

Disability aged care; Continuity of Support (CoS) Programme, you must be a person with a disability who:

  • Is 65 years and over, or 50-64 years if you are an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person, when the NDIS starts in your area
  • Has been assessed as not eligible for the NDIS under ‘becoming a participant rules’, and
  • Is an existing client of state specialist disability services when CoS starts in your area.

If you are not eligible for the CoS Programme and are aged 65 and over, other support options are available to enter aged care.

Help at home

If you’re generally able to manage but need help with daily tasks or need minor modifications to your home, Commonwealth Home Support Programme services may be right for you. You will need to be assessed as being eligible to receive these services.

If you are receiving support through a Home Care Package, you may also be able to get some help for home maintenance and minor modifications.

For Carers

This service is particularly helpful if Carers are in need of some respite.

There are short-term and emergency respite services available. Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres can offer advice about services in your local area. You can contact your local centre by calling 1800 052 222.

Other services

Local councils often run home maintenance schemes to help make your home safer and easier to manage. You can contact your local council for more information.

Also, Read

Commonwealth Home Support Programme

Home Support Programme

More Support Programme info

ref. my aged care

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